Saturday, October 2, 2010

Current Events Week 6: Private press censorship in Fiji

Fiji's private press came under strict official censorship in April 2009. In 2010 they tightened media ownership requirements and provided for prison terms for journalists. The ownership rules threatened the Fiji Times, "the only newspaper that has resisted government control".Radio is a key for the outer islands. BBC World Service and FM Radio relays were shut down in the 2009 state of emergency.

I think that this will greatly affect Fiji's news sources. This is because Fiji is a small country and has 3 main sourses for news and about 1 of them is private news. That is why this will greatly affect Fiji's news sourses. In conclusion news censorship in Fiji will greatly affect the news in Fiji.

1 comment:

  1. It seems so strange, after living in a country that has freedom of the press, to read about a country that does not.
